OG Ducks

Sponsorship Opportunities

We are very fortunate to have many dedicated volunteers focused on providing a positive forum for our participant's ages 5-14. Our volunteers have donated countless hours to build a foundation toward the personal growth of our youth, however we are in need of funds and are asking our community for help

View Sponsorships


Become a sponsor today by selecting one of the below packages.

All prices are a one-time price for 1 year. Pay by Credit Card or ACH!

Platinum Sponsorship $5000 and above


  • Logo posted on website with link to your website
  • Acknowledged and thanked during home games
  • Weekly mention on league Instagram page
  • Field Banner for home games
  • Logo Displayed on game Jerseys
  • Thank You plaque

Silver Sponsorship $500 - $999


  • Logo posted on website with link to your website
  • Acknowledged and thanked during home games
  • Weekly mention on league Instagram page
  • Thank You plaque

Bronze Sponsorship $250 - $499


  • Logo posted on website with link to your website
  • Thank you plaque

Frequently Asked Questions

Have some questions?, We are always here to help and please contact us is you have additional questions.

We accept all major credit cards, bank transfers, Apple Pay and Cash App.

If your company becomes a PLATINUM SPONSOR, no other company in your respective industry will allow the client only applications during the term of the sponsorship.